Neurobionics Lab

The Neurobionics Lab seeks to advance human mobility through an improved understanding of how the nervous system controls the body during dynamic tasks, such as locomotion.  We use the lens of system dynamics, identification, and control to explain how biomechanical properties are regulated and changed by neurological disease. Merging the worlds of robotics and neuroscience, we are able to develop novel technologies that we hope will have a profound impact in the lives of individuals with disabilities.

Latest publications

Van Crey, N. Lam, D.J., Bywater, E.A., Shepherd, M., and Rouse, E.J. (2024). The Variable Stiffness Orthosis: Customizable Mechanics for Assistance and Rehabilitation. Authorea Preprints.

van Noort, L., Van Crey, N., Rouse, E.J., Martínez-Caballero, I., van Asseldonk, E.H.F., and Bayón, C. (2024). A usability study on the inGAIT-VSO: effects of a variable-stiffness ankle-foot orthosis on the walking performance of children with cerebral palsy. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation.

Bywater, E.A., Van Crey, N., Rouse, E.J. (2024). Optimizing the Mechanics of a Variable-Stiffness Orthosis with Energy Recycling to Mitigate Foot Drop. IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics (T-MRB).