June 2019
Published on June 3, 2019
Check out this Michigan Robotics press release about the Open Source Leg!
Dr. Rouse, Dr. Levi Hargrove, and teams from Michigan Robotics and the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab executed an on-stage demo of the Open Source Leg (OSL) at the Amazon Re:Mars conference in Las Vegas, NV. A man named Terry, who has a transfemoral amputation, walked across the stage and climbed up and down stairs wearing the OSL controlled using Dr. Hargrove’s state-of-the-art intent recognition system. You can watch their talk and see the demo here.
Welcome to our newest lab member, Dr. Varun Joshi! Varun will be working as a postdoc co-advised by Dr. Rouse and Dr. Chandramouli Krishnan (department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation). Varun completed his PhD at Ohio State University under the direction of Professor Manoj Srinivasan.