This page provides access to the open-access resources developed by the Neurobionics Lab. For a complete list of our repositories, please see our Github page.
Popular repositories available in our Github organization include:
- robot-ci – This repository is a deployment tool for custom images for Raspberry Pi single-board computers. The tool builds a customizable, up-to-date RPi image with enhanced networking features for remote development.
- onshape-robotics-toolkit – This repository was developed for a collaboration with the RAI Institute. It enables programmatic modification of Onshape assemblies, as well as export of assemblies to robot description formats (URDF / MJCF)
- opensourceleg – This repository is the software component of the Open-Source Leg project, an ecosystem of hardware and software development tools to foster the study of robot legs.
- spring-design-tool – This repository contains an executable program that will design compact torsion springs automatically. For more information, please see the corresponding paper.
Open-Source Leg
Links to different aspects of the OSL ecosystem.
- Open-Source Leg project website – flagship website for the Open-Source Leg project that provides complete information on the NSF-funded project.
- Open-Source Leg Onshape CAD design – Onshape CAD design for the open-source leg, which can be used for manufacturing or inspiration.
- Presentation slides on development with the OSL ecosystem – these slides provide guidance on using the OSL development tools and was presented in a workshop at BioRob 2024.
- Open-access publication on OSL v2 – IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics paper that describes the OSL v2 and a novel strategy for improved impedance control.
- Open-access publication on OSL v1 – Nature BME publication that describes initial design and testing of the Open-Source Leg v1.