Neurobionics Lab

December 2021

Humotech will begin selling the Open Source Leg allowing researchers to purchase a pre-assembled version with additional technical support! This partnership with Humotech aims to reduce the barrier to entry for researchers who would like to utilize the OSL without having to build their own. Read more about here.

Dr. Rouse presented on the Neurobionics Lab’s research at MIT as a part of their Mechanical Engineering Department’s Colloquium.

August 2021

We would like to welcome the newest members of the Neurobionics Lab!

PhD Students: Zach Bons (Mechanical Engineering), Emily Bywater (Mechanical Engineering), Chris Nesler (Robotics), and Riley Pieper (Robotics)

Master’s Students: Nundini Rawal (Mechanical Engineering)

Over the summer, multiple new papers were published–check out our publications here.

June 2021

Congratulations to Dr. Kim Ingraham who successfully defended her dissertation this month! She graduated with her PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Michigan. Great job Kim!

Dr. Rouse’s paper “Summary of Human Ankle Mechanical Impedance During Walking” received the 2nd Prize in the 2021 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Prize Paper Award.

Dr. Rouse presented at a symposium for Mexico’s National Institute of Rehabilitation.

May 2021

Dr. Rouse was invited to speak at the International Electric Machines and Motor Drivers Conference. He presented and participated in a panel entitled “Motor Drives for Robotics and Industrial Automation”.

April 2021

Dr. Rouse presented a talk on medical robotics at WearRAcon 2021. This conference, organized by the Wearable Robotics Association, brings together leaders of industry, academia, government and medicine to discuss the latest in wearable robotics technology.

February 2021

Dr. Rouse was recently a guest on the Conversations on Bionics and Pain Podcast to discuss the Open-Source Leg. Have a listen here!

Multiple Neurobionics Lab members presented research at the University of Michigan’s 2021 Engineering Research Symposium. Varun Shetty won the Engineering Innovation Award and Kim Ingraham received an honorable mention for the Richard and Eleanor Towner Prize for outstanding Ph.D. Research. The full list of winners can be found here. Great job everyone!

November 2020

The Open Source Leg and Dr. Rouse’s work to increase collaboration in the field of bionic limbs were recently highlighted in an article in digitaltrends. To learn more about the project be sure to visit the OSL project page.

Congrats to Dr. Rouse who recently was promoted to IEEE Senior Member!

October 2020

Congrats to Dr. Amanda Shorter on successfully defending her dissertation! Amanda received her PhD in Biomedical Engineering from Northwestern University. Great Job!

September 2020

Congratulations to Dr. Alejandro Acozar on the successful defense of his dissertation! Alejandro earned his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from University of Michigan. Great job, Alejandro!

Dr. Rouse received a NSF grant with collaborators Dr. Bobby Gregg and Dr. Eric Rombokas. This grant will build on the Open-Source Leg (OSL) project with the goal of establishing open source software that will enable improved torque control as well as the ability to let the user to control the OSL based on their body movements.

August 2020

Best of luck to Tyler as he leaves Michigan to begin his new position as an Assistant Professor at UCLA! Read more about his new lab here. We’ll miss you!

We would like to welcome Kevin Best to the lab! He will be pursuing his PhD in Robotics under the joint advisement of Dr. Elliott Rouse (Neurbionics) and Dr. Bobby Gregg (LocoLab).

We’d also like to welcome Chelsea Richards to Neurobionics! She is an Orthotic Resident at the University of Michigan Orthotics and Prosthetics Center.

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